Monsoon Once Again

Monsoon Once Again

I look through the window with my heart in pain,

Oh! it’s the monsoon once  again;

Pouring her heart out without any strain.

Darker and heavier she gets; 

She could move no more and there she rests.

Bursting out what she harbored for long

Look at those trees soaking all along

As she lightens her heart and brightens the day

I wonder and look up at the sky

Only to see her bright and gay.

After all the drama I’ve got to say;

Oh! how did you bear so long?!

Ah! it must be nice for you;

To free yourself from what you’ve been going through

Oh! look at you all white and glee!

Moving around again on a thirst-quenching spree

Now that I realize am just jealous of you;

Could I ever be like you? 

She responds to me, smiling brightly and moving away

Only to remind me; life is a circle and it goes on anyway.. 

The Unused Mailbox

Remember the good old days when we used to “write letters” and mail them to our loved ones? It is one of my fondest memories that I always cherish. I started writing letters when I was 5! Yes, I used to draw pictures and write a few words that I learnt in school and send them to my cousin who’s also my age! Only we could understand our tiny tot-language. 😀

I remember writing letters to my friends describing my new life in the city.  To my grandparents, I would write letters conveying my love and respect. Every evening, after school I would run and check the mailbox with great anticipation. Every new mail carried some special news and there was always so much to write. 🙂

Relationships were so precious. Every word written in a letter was treasured forever. I still have those beautiful mails in my ‘secret treasure chest’. They are priceless! 🙂

love leeeee

What about relationships and communication today?

You don’t have to write a letter and wait for days with anticipation. You don’t have to worry if the mail had reached the right person. Our modern day messengers and chat boxes give us instant updates. You even know when the message is sent, received and read..!

You also get to know the amount of importance given to your messages by knowing the time taken by the recipient to respond! You can also know if you are being ignored. Well, I guess that’s the best way you can insult a person in the internet era! :-/


People text every moment of each day and stay updated about their loved one’s activities, starting from waking up, brushing their teeth to having supper and going to bed! Meh.. O_o

I agree with the fact that now we are able to see people living 1000 miles apart through video conference and stay in touch and contact each other whenever we want. But the words written had more personal touch than the ones typed or texted.

Nowadays we see so many break ups in different relationships and many loved ones torn apart. Most relationships are ended with a blunt and emotionless text message or over a 5 minutes’ phone call. Distance is not a big issue anymore. Virtually, everybody is in contact with their loved ones throughout the day, across the borders and seas, but in reality, they are not.


The precious words are no longer treasured in the hearts, instead they are saved in a memory stick.

People tend to live in a virtual world and their love, friendship and identity is defined by a “profile” and it doesn’t matter if you are friends in person; if you are not “virtually friends”,  then you are not friends in reality as well.

I’m afraid that the intimacy is deteriorating day by day and the children of the upcoming generation would hardly know what loving, bonding and missing loved ones actually mean.

Technology has brought the distant ones closer and the close ones apart.

The mail boxes are hardly checked.. The loved ones are hardly missed..

Sad, bitter, but True.