Pranking Is Good. Bullying Is Not. Learn The Difference.

It has been a trend to pull a crazy prank on someone, make a video of it and upload it on YouTube, Facebook and other social media networks. I enjoy watching them too!

My friends are wonderful pranksters and I love being in their company because you never know what they are going to do next, and it is always a funny and pleasant experience 🙂 And, if you are a regular visitor of my blog, you would know that I strongly stand against bullying.

Today, I thought it is high time I put down my words about the difference between a smart prankster and a sadistic bully.

Pranking Is Good. Bullying Is Not. Learn The Difference.

The best example of a hilarious, intelligent and awesome prank in my opinion would be the recent “zombie attack” prank, pulled by a girl’s two lovely brothers and mom, on her way home when she was on anesthesia (apparently a bit high) after pulling out her wisdom tooth. Such an amazing prank that it went viral on the internet and her family was also invited on the Ellen Show!

If you haven’t watched it, check out this video link right here!

Zombie Attack! Apocalypse – Prank Video 

So, that’s how a prank should be. Funny, Intelligent and absolutely Memorable.

But these days, most people are getting confused between a prankster and a bully.

If your prank hurts someone physically/mentally/emotionally, then it is not a Prank.

It is called Bullying.

And anyone who laughs at someone’s pain is not a nice human.

He is a sadist. 

Recently, I saw a video with a caption saying “haha very funny” and in it, was a girl celebrating her birthday and when she was about to blow the candles, a moron – (the guy sitting next to her) smashed her face right into the cake.

That Is Not Funny At All.

I saw another video of an Ultimate Bully, who thinks he is a cool prankster! He takes his sister’s new iPhone, drops it right in front of her eyes and breaks it, tears a few pages from his grandma’s favorite book, masturbates in front of his laptop in the living room when his mom comes home, oh God, the list of his horrendous activities is endless.

After watching it, I wondered if this guy is even in his right mind? Or does he have some mental disorder? I don’t know.

If you pull a prank, both the prankster and the Prankee (hoping that’s a word) should be able to think about it later and have a good laugh. It should not hurt anyone’s feelings/body.

Before pulling a prank, think “Would I like it if someone does this to me? Would I be hurt? Would I hate them after this?

Think twice, putting yourself in their shoes.

Be a nice and lovingly funny Human Being and NOT a Sadistic Moron.

~ Yuvathi ❤ 🙂

The Confused Young Adult

3 thoughts on “Pranking Is Good. Bullying Is Not. Learn The Difference.

  1. Hargun Wahi April 16, 2016 / 12:45 pm

    True that! A prank that brings laughter later is the perfect prank 🙂
    Very well explained 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jessie March 1, 2022 / 3:45 pm

    You have one big problem: how are you going to be absolutely sure that no harm whatsoever will be done, physically and/or mentally as you are planning the “prank”? You can only tell afterwards. And then it’s too late.


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