5 Reasons Why I Hate Whatsapp

Yeah, I understand, it is a wonderful mode of communication. Cheap, easy, quick and affordable, etc..etc.. But honestly, it is one of the most annoying apps ever! Here are the top reasons why I hate it.

5 Reasons Why I Hate Whatsapp
5 Reasons Why I Hate Whatsapp

5. The Garbage-Status Updates

The status space is to inform people if a person is at work, busy, sleeping, etc so that the rest of the people would know if it is the right time to contact them. But the amount of crap you get to see here is immeasurable! Here are some examples :

Waiting for my time”  — what time? your time? so, am I not supposed to text you because it is not ‘your’ time yet? please, I need an explanation. :-/

You’re my life. I’l love you forever” — Who? Me? Dude, I understand I shared my delicious yummy chocolate chip cookie with you, but please! Love? Life? Ewww! 😛

I love pizza” — So do I. Will you be sending me one through Whatsapp? Not the emoji, but a real one please. :@

So, what has any of those updates got to do with texting? I do not understand. Don’t we have Twitter, Facebook and other networking sites to update such useless information? Such a waste of space..and when I update my status as “Busy“, only then do I receive a 100 texts asking “Are you really busy right now?“. Oh Darn. When is the apocalypse?!

4. The Devils Called “Last Seen” and “Double Blue Tick-marks”

Earlier, we used to skip a particular route, just to escape seeing that one mean person and go grocery shopping in the adjacent neighborhood only to avoid bumping into that frenemy as much as possible. But now, thanks to the devils of Whatsapp – If you’ve last seen two minutes ago, your frenemy gets to know you avoided her and there you are, bashed left and right in the “neighborhood Whatsapp group“. And one step further, if your last seen is 2 minutes ago and you’ve not read their message, there comes another text “You were online 2 mins ago and you didn’t open my text??? Why is it still unread?Oh God, please save me from this virtual suffocation.

3. The Viral Photos, Memes and Videos

Everybody receives tons and  tons of these not-so-funny jokes and you receive the same photo/video of 3 MB to 11 MB again and again from 20 different contacts. Isn’t whatsapp a mode to communicate? Worst part – promotional messages, ads for the nearby masseuse/hair salon, and so-called religious messages with a PS: “if you pass this message to 12 people, the love of your life will call you in 24 hours” or.. more disgusting stories with a note: “If you don’t pass this message within 12 hours, you will get a massive heart attack and die all alone at midnight”. You Kidding ME?

Whoever you are, wherever you are, I will find you and I will kill you. 

2. Violation Of Privacy and Every Second A New Message

Anybody who has your number can text you. This might sound something simple and nice but not until you receive spam messages from strangers. Why should anybody be able to contact me? Like GTalk, people should be asked to send in a request. Only if they add you, should you be able to text a person. Seriously, my blocked list is longer than my contact list. Phone numbers are way to personal, and taking that as an advantage and taking it for granted is never a good idea!

And remember the good old days when you rushed to check you phone when it said “you have 1 new message”? Well, nowadays I rush to grab my phone to put it down is silent mode. Every second there is a notification for a new text, the incessant beeps indicating its arrival. You can’t even ignore them as you never know, it could even be a really important message about the next day’s project presentation or meeting!

1. The Infinite Groups With Way Too Many Random People

The main reason why I uninstalled the app is “Groups“. Too many groups! High school group, senior school group, university group, music class group, mother’s father’s family group, mother’s mother’s family group, work group, part-time job group, neighbor’s group, friend’s family’s son’s colleague’s ex-coworker’s group……. and each group has at least 30 good morning messages, photos, videos, 30 good evening messages, unrelated gossips about the admin’s mother’s uncle’s neighbor’s daughter’s hair color, unnecessary meaningless discussions about torn socks and used napkins,… Worst Part – If you quit a group, the whole group will be alarmed, so worried because an inactive-hardly-ever-texting-member has left the GROUP!!!!! and every random member who has never even talked to you before, will pester you for a valid reason for leaving; eventually adding you back in the group the very next minute of your departure. Ultimate load of crap, waste of time, energy and data pack

The moment I uninstalled the app, I relished something called “freedom”! Sense of achievement and productivity. The app should come with these warning signs: This app is great if used minimally. Extensive usage is lethal and can cause brain wreckage, message alert beep-paranoia, anxiety, insanity, and many more…

~ Yuvathi ❤ 🙂

16 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why I Hate Whatsapp

  1. ichasyahfa June 3, 2015 / 3:51 pm

    Haha I love whatsapp. I only give my whatsapp number to my family and my close friends, and I don’t want to be part of many groups. So far, I enjoy whatsapp 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Diego September 19, 2015 / 5:45 am

    I agree, I’m from the Msn and Skype times.Whatsapp let people sedentary, alienate etc. Nothing better than PC, or notebook for internet communication.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anonymous October 30, 2015 / 6:20 pm

    My WhatsApp last seen is always 1 week ago, and everyone complains I don’t check WhatsApp.


  4. Anonymous October 30, 2015 / 6:22 pm

    My WhatsApp last seen is always 1 week ago. Everyone complain I don’t check messages.


    • Bog Standard October 31, 2017 / 8:47 pm

      That’s why I dislike it. If someone wants to speak to me that badly, they can phone me.


  5. sheetal March 3, 2016 / 8:25 am

    love your sense of humour. Good read.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sundeep March 29, 2016 / 12:46 am

    Yes very true indeed. It can be virtual suffocation! That is why we have build Stars! It is a private messaging app – where you can connect with just the people that are important to you. It is safe for Kids and super fun!

    Check it out at http://www.GetStarsApp.com

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Taylor August 10, 2016 / 6:13 pm

    Hey I agree with you 100%. Love your sense of humor.Just wondering what’s your nationality.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yuvathi August 10, 2016 / 8:24 pm

      Hey Taylor, thank you very much. am glad you liked it ☺ And my nationality….Am an Indian! 🙂


  8. Bog Standard October 31, 2017 / 8:44 pm

    My mum-in-law always insists on having What’s-App on my wife’s phone, whereas she’s not all that fussed. I too, feel it’s an invasion of privacy, if I understand the workings of it correctly. I have a bog-standard ‘phone. If people want to call me, they can, I do not want my private life being constantly monitored, which I feel is what happens with this app’ if I’m right.


  9. Richi Dubey February 3, 2022 / 10:57 pm

    You still dont have whatsapp?


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